About us

Chabad @ UTD is a home away from home where ideas can flourish, where Jewish identity is found and enhanced, and where individuals can find community and family as they are empowered to be leaders of the Jewish community. We are an organization at the University of Texas at Dallas that provides religious, educational, social, and recreational programming for the community of Jewish students.

We are a place where students socialize in a comfortable home-like setting with great friends, superb food and stimulating discussions.

We are a space where you can question your faith and not be afraid of judgment.

We are a haven to which you can turn when you're stressed or lonely and need a true friend.

We are a center for prayer and study, where you can gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of your Jewish heritage.

We are an environment where being Jewish is fun.

At Chabad, every Jew is family.

We serve students at UTD, Collin College, Dallas College, and other DFW Universities.

The Druks

Rabbi Shmuly and Dini Druk, along with their children co-direct Chabad at UTD. Rabbi Shmuly is a native of Oak Park, MI, and completed his Rabbinical studies in New York, Israel, and Argentina. Dini is originally from Jerusalem and completed advanced Jewish studies in the US and Israel with an MA in educational leadership. Both have extensive experience in education and outreach. The Druks and their children are passionate about about connecting with every Jewish student who steps into Chabad and making sure they each feel like family.

The Druks